The purpose of this space is to be a home for our music (linked above) and to present other creative outlets of those participating in evil eye hOneytree and our friends Audio/Visual/Thoughtful, available for your experience.
V/A – DDR Von Unten L.P. 12″
Punk rock from one of the most totalitarian states ever, Easy Germany! The
guys in Sau-Kerle made the wise choice to change their name
from Schleimkeim fo...
Just a small update to let everyone know that some major vinyl rarities
from the Mutant Sound archive are being auctioned currently and auctions
will be co...
Kickstand - Kickstand (1994)
I first heard this band off of the Woosh! comp of Little Teddy
Recordings, and had little luck finding more of their stuff online. There
were a coup...
See ya later Creepscanner
Not that anyone reads this anymore, but I figure I should probably just let
those people who e-mail me asking for reups down easy by just cancelling
LOAD Discography
The internet is a buzz with the sad news of Bob Johnston's death. Sucks it
would take this horrible occasion to light a fire under my ass to get you
the ...
It’s obvious to anyone who checks this space regularly that I’ve been
absent for a handful of months — here’s the podcast I did for my theater,
The Cinefam...
Internetus Interruptus
Hey kidlets! Sorry we've been neglecting this whole interweb business for a
while, we bad. Anyway, we just wanted to let everyone know that we still
love y...
Benjamin Damage & Doc Daneeka
so i don't have a computer (it broke, son) and have neglected posting new
stuff... sorry. anyway, i've followed Doc Daneeka for a minute and am
excited tha...
The Art of Literary Seduction
Does it get any hotter than this? Surely not. Mind you this was written in
Norway nearly a century ago:
She manages so as to arrive late in the evening; ...
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