Monday, January 25, 2010

Men's Weaphouse- "The Rodeo Clown"

Recorded during an ice storm on 12/18/2008 to 4-track.
The members of Men’s Weaphouse converged one evening in December 2008 in South Peoria to terrorize some eardrums. Needless to say, they loved the way they looked (it had been guaranteed), these lachrymose chaps had to do something about it. In this incarnation, Men’s Weaphouse consists of Chris Wheeler on bass and drums, Nate Lucas on keys, and Jeff Hyde on guitar and samples. The entire jam was precipitated by the recent purchase of the only new four-track recorder found on the web and a convergent scheduling mishap. It was a bad night to meet anywhere, there was a half-inch of ice covering fuck-all. This jam is improvised, but not live: the Weaphouse creates a ritual that is not a part of everyday life. All performances are culled from the moment, their inception born of an abiding love for all things dark and syrupy. The most remarkable thing about that evening is that no one died in transit.

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